Internet Site Editor 2.60 - Overview
Why register?
This page gives you an overview of the features of this program.
Selecting and managing files
Pick a disk, directory and file you want to view or edit.
As long as you aren't changing anything you're in
You can 'open' a file by selecting it.
Use the right-mouse-button to show the pop-up window with file-options.
New Instance means start another SiteEdit.
Use the 'Settings'-window to alter the file-extension-list
to determine the files actualy shown here.
Dubble-clicking a filename wil 'start' this file,
thus opening your browsers to view it.
Editing and viewing
The edit-window will allow you to change your files. Most keys will work
as you would expect them working with Windows:
CTRL-X, CTRL-C, CTRL-V to Cut, Copy or Paste,
CTRL-Z to Undo the last action,
CTRL-S to Save and ESC to Abort changes.
With ALT combined with the left and right arrow-keys, you can indent or unindent an entire block of code
With TAB you can indent a single line. The number of spaces each TAB occupies can be altered using
the 'Settings'-window.
The editor automaticly changes to 'Edit-Mode'
as soon as you change anything.
The statusline displays the FileSize in bytes, The number of lines and
the Current-line-length and the Current Line (row) and Position (column).
Searching and replacing
All searching and replacing can be done whithout opening an other window.
SiteEdit will remember your search- and replace-texts, available in the pull-down boxes.
To replace a TAB-character use '%009'
To replace a Cariage-Return use '%013'
To replace a LineFeed use '%010'

By checking 'All files' you can search for a text in all files
in your current directory.
The results will be shown in a separate window.
By dubble-clicking one of the results, the editor
will open that document, an go to the line containing the

Site maintenance

With these functions you can list your entire site, uppercase or
lowercase all filenames (including images!) or set all file-dates to
a chosen date and time.
Based upon META-tags in your documents a ROBOTS.TXT can be generated.
You can also generate a 'Test-Page'. This HTML-file will allow you to
validate your pages, once on the Internet, using the World-Wide-Web consortium-validators.
HTML-Toolset and Special-character windows

Use the HTML-Toolset and Special-character windows to insert snippets of
code into your document.
By dubble-clicking an item or character you insert it at the cursor-position.


This window enables you to change de width of a single TAB-character on screen.
Here you can maintain the file-extensions for the files you want to edit.
You can toggle the switches to save search-strings and window-coordinates.
The switch 'Del empty lines' swiched ON means: As a document is saved, all empty lines are removed first.
This automatic-action can allso convert all spaces to TAB's (thus saving bytes!) or vice versa.