Software - Info
Hieronder staan korte beschrijvingen van de software. Uitgebreidere installatie- en
gebruiksaanwijzingen zijn in de download-file opgenomen.
Alle programma's zijn engelstalig. Ook de beschrijvingen hieronder zijn
uitsluitend in het engels gemaakt.
Jukebox |
Internet Site Editor - Version 2.60
- All files of your site are one click away. No pop-up windows asking you to
find and edit one file at a time.
- Search, Replace and Replace-all are in the same window too. No pop-up
window standing in the way, asking you to replace the obscured item.....
Allso finds or replaces cariage-return, linefeed or tab-characters.
- File-size, Line-count, Line-size and most important Current Line and position
are always displayed. You can't debug JavaScript without it!
- Reads HTML-files from UNIX you saved from your browser, automaticly
adding Linefeeds, so you can actualy read them!
- Uppercase/Lowercase all HTML-elements (Tags) on demand.
- Replace spaces with tab-characters to save a few extra bytes.
- You can change case and file-date/time of your entire site at once.
- You can create a test-page for the WWW-consortium HTML-, and CSS-validators.
- You can launch any other tool or editor from the 'Tools-menu'.
Jukebox - Version 1.5
- All your MP3-files in one list.
- Start your MP3-player just by clicking a file.
- It saves lyrics and other information with your MP3-File.
- It counts the number of times a song is played.
- Quickly find an artist or title.