Personal - Curriculum Vitae
CV - Personal notes. CV - Education. CV - Experience.
Personal notes Education and courses Experience
CV - Sphere of activity. CV - Technical skills.  
Sphere of activity Technical skills  

Personal notes

Name: Bax, C.A.   (Ronald)
Year of birth:   1964 
Gender: Male
Nationality: Dutch
Civil status: Married, 4 children
Residence: Zoetermeer, the Netherlands
Profession: Information-analyst/designer


Education and courses

2002 ISES: - Informationsystem-architecture (4d)
2000 Global Knowledge:
Global Knowledge:
Sun Microsystems:
- Supporting MS-Win NT 4 Core   Technologies (4d)
- Com/DCom (1d)
- iPlanet Application Server (5d)
- Training customer-care / Communication-   styles (3d)
1999 Oosterkamp:
CAP Gemini:
- JBuilder 3 Foundations (5d)
- Effective writing (2d)
1998 Activity: - Probaat - Project control (1d)
1997 ISES:
- Object oriented analysis and
  design (4d)
- Solid server (5d)
1996 Europe Data Consult: - Advanced Application Development using
  Delphi CS (2d)
1995 ISES:
Rijnhave opleidingen:
- Function Point Analysis (2d)
- Advanced Delphi CS (2d)
1993 ISES:
Schouten & Nelissen:
Synwork Consult:
- Project planning en Control (2d)
- Personal Effectivity (5d)
- Teambuilding & development (3d)
1992 Novi: - Developing in Windows (3d)
1991 Nokia Data:
Nokia Data:
- Introduction OS/2 1.21
- OS/2 1.21 System manager
- LanManager Manager
1990 AppliGate:
PCC Advies:

- Hardware manager PC (5d)
- Excel advanced (2d)
- Desktop Publishing
- Introduction Modern Information
  Techniques (2d)
- Communicational skills (3d)
- Development using 4GL, IT-maths,
  Relational Databases (15d)
1989 3T Courseware: - Systematic Courseware
  Development (4d)
1988 R.A. Beelaard: - Quality Workshop (2d)
1987 Ambi: - T2 Cobol
1986 S.C.C.: - Misc. internal courses Multics
1983 - 1985 Creative Therapy (higher education)
1976 - 1983 HAVO  (Dut, Eng, Ger, His, Math, Phys)
(secondary education = high school)



2002 - today
TPG Post

1997 - 2001
TPG / PTT Post
Sr. System developer
Technical consultant
Technical project leader
Quality management

1994 - 1996
RCC / Pink-Roccade
System developer
System manager (LAN)
Trainer/Courseware developer
Technical consultant

1988 - 1993
Employee Information-centre
System developer
System manager (LAN)
Trainer/Courseware developer
Technical consultant

1986 - 1988
Min. SoZaWe / S.C.C.
Employee helpdesk
System developer
Trainer/Courseware developer

1985 - 1987
Temporary employment agency
Employee holiday-park (in Germany)
Insurance employee
Warehouse employee


Sphere of activity

1997 - today TPG / PTT Post, supporting misc. departments
1994 - 1996 Regional Multidisciplinary Fraud team
R.C.C. Legal department
State Psychological Service/ RPD-Advies
Obragas Power supplier
Educational Advise Bureau
Ministry of Economical Affairs (Economics Office)
1988 - 1993 Central Office for Employment exchange
Regional Office for Employment exchange
Employment exchange bureau
Ministry of Social Welfare and Labour
1986 - 1988 Ministry of Social Welfare and Labour


Technical skills

Mainframe DPS-7 (GCOS), DPS-8 (Multics)
LAN-server OS/2, Windows 3.x / NT / 2000, VAX/VMS
(LanManager, DECNet/Pathworks, Novell)
Web-server / Application-server IIS, iPlanet, Apache/TomCat
Workstation Terminal, Apple-II, Apple-Mac, Intel (XT - Pentium///, DOS, MS-Windows), Sun-Solaris
Operating systems Multics, Unix, OS/2, System-x, Dos, Windows 3.x / NT / 2000
Languages Assembler (Z80, 6502, 80x86), Pascal, Basic, Cobol, PL/1, xBase, HyperCard, VBasic, VBA, Delphi, SQL, HTML, Java, JavaScript, JSP, ASP, CSS
RDBMS Ingres, Oracle, SQLServer, Solid, Interbase
Databases ASCII-flat-files, DBase, Paradox, MS-Access
Middleware ODBC/JDBC, OpenLink, BDE/IDAPI
Workflow Management LinkWorks, COSA
Applications & tools Delphi, JBuilder, Kawa, Paradox, MS-office, MS-Access, PVCS, MKS, SDW, PowerDesigner, Paintshop-Pro, Photoshop, Visio, DreamWeaver, HTML-Kit, WS_FTP, CuteFTP, Telnet
Methodes & technologies FPA, SDM, RAD, OMT / UML