Copyright and download-policy |
Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on this site are: copyright © 1999-2002 C.A. Bax, Zoetermeer. Except in few places (which are clearly indicated), everything on this site was personally made, typed, drawn, photographed and programmed by me. I have no objection to people downloading material for their own use, but I hate it when they present it as being their own! So printing, downloading, using and passing it thru to others is fine with me, but don´t forget to tell where you 'found' it!
The idea for this text and most of this text was copied from the site of
Kevin Boone.
Thanks! In spite of the great care and attention given to the maintenance of this website, it's possible that the website contains incorrect or incomplete information. C.A. Bax will neither be held responsible for technical or editorial errors or omissions within the content of this website, nor for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use, the presentation, the availability (or not being available) of this website or the links to websites of others.